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2 Gallon Kit$149.97
4 Gallon Kit$279.97
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Epoxy Resin for Bar Tops, Tabletops & Countertops 

Our commercial grade, premium bar top and countertop epoxy is engineered specifically for coating bar tops, tabletops and countertops. Our advanced formulation, self-leveling, APC 100X epoxy resin boasts the high gloss shine, reflectivity, clarity and optical qualities demanded from professional installers, hobbyists and DIY project enthusiasts.


NEXTECH PRO™ APC 100X is a 100% solids, two component, clear polymer coating with a user friendly easy to use 1 to 1 mix ratio. Each kit contains one bottle of resin and one bottle of hardener. APC 100X 100% is VOC free, virtually odorless and cures to a clear, glass like, high build finish that resists scratching, is UV resistant, and will not distort with age. APC 100X epoxy resin will enhance the natural beauty of any surface or item coated with it and will permanently preserve and protect your surface for years to come.

Our advanced formulation, NEXTECH PRO™ APC 100X epoxy resin is engineered to adhere to virtually any surface and is perfectly suited for coating many types of surfaces or embedding items including: Wood, Laminates, Tile, Concrete, Granite, Formica, Corian, Copper, Stainless Steel, Ceramics, Quartz, Bamboo, Marble, Porcelain, Metals, Cork, Pennies, Bottle Caps, Stickers, Photos, Paper, Labels,  Shells, Sand, Rocks.

Metallic color pigments can also be added to APC 100X Epoxy to create a variety of beautiful, 3D effects and pearlescent designs.

Temperature resistant up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit (260C), Zero VOC, 100% non-toxic, food safe, anti-bacterial, stain-resistant, scratch-resistant, and UV-resistant. Excellent for bar tops, counter tops, tabletops and more.

Make your surfaces come to life with a rich, vibrant epoxy coating that will last a lifetime.


For most applications, NEXTECH PRO™ APC 100X premium bar top & countertop epoxy is applied in two stages, the seal coat and the flood coat.

The seal coat is a thin coat that is applied to seal any pores in the surface. This step to prevent outgassing, which could create air bubbles from forming in the following flood coat. The seal coat is typically applied with a brush or roller at a rate of 40-48 sq.ft. per combined gallon. This stage is followed by the flood coat (aka the decorative coat), which is poured over the surface and which self levels at a 1/8".

The flood coat coverage is 16 sq.ft at 1/8" thick per combined gallon. A flood coat is simply poured on the surface and self-levels to 1/8". Additional flood coats can be applied every 4 hours to cover thicker embedded objects.

Packaging: Available in 2 gallon kits & 4 gallon kits

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